Tag: Galaxy Note 4

Install Android 5.0.1 Lollipop Official Firmware Build N910FXXU1BOC3 on Galaxy Note 4
6Android 5.0.1 Lollipop has been pushed out now by Samsung for the unlocked Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910F) in the Netherlands just after the rolling out for the Galaxy Note 4 (European) ...
Update Galaxy Note 4 N910F to Android 5.0.2 Lollipop via CyanogenMod 12 Nightly custom ROM
0CyanogenMod 12 Nightly build is now available for Galaxy Note 4 N910F in Europe. The most popular CyanogenMod team's CM12 Nightly custom ROM is based on the Android 5.0.2 ...
Install Android 5.0.2 Lollipop on Sprint Galaxy Note 4 with SlimLP Alpha 1 Custom ROM
2Sprint Galaxy Note 4 can be updated now to the SlimLP custom ROM. This ROM has been developed by the SlimROMs team which is based on the latest Android 5.0.2 Lollipop AOSP builds ...
Update Galaxy Note 4 (N910F) / Note 3 LTE (N9005) to Official Android 5.0 Lollipop
3The Lollipop 5.0 update has been released for the Galaxy Note 4 model number SM-N910F (European Variant) by Samsung. Galaxy Note 4 is a high-end specification Samsung's flagship ...
READ MORE +Update Galaxy Note 4 N910F to Android 5.0.2 Lollipop Unofficial CyanogenMod 12 ROM
0The latest CyanogenMod 12 ROM based Android 5.0.2 Lollipop recently released for many Samsung's flagship devices. Now the Galaxy Note 4 can taste the sweetness of Lollipop as the ...
READ MORE +How to Root Galaxy Note 4 [All Variants] with Odin & CF-Auto-Root
1Galaxy Note 4 is the Samsung’s latest flagship high-end Android based device. So if you are a proud owner of the Galaxy Note 4 then you will definitely try to use your device for ...
READ MORE +How To Factory Reset / Hard Reset Galaxy Note 4
0If you have picked up the latest Samsung flagship Galaxy Note 4 then it is important to learn the basic things and troubleshooting of it. Here we've given a step by step guide on ...
READ MORE +Root Samsung Galaxy Note 4 SM-N910W8 Using CF-Auto Root Method
0Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is amongst the ideal available in the market nowadays. A lot of people have desired to own it as they thought it's got all that may be real. Samsung Galaxy ...